Have a better conversation

Better conversation cares for those who care, and enables them to help patients care more for themselves. We offer a suite of interventions to help you make your service more patient-centred, effective, humane and better value for money.

As pioneer of health coaching in the NHS, our approach is based on over a decade of experience and training thousands of health and care staff. The original training has since been refreshed with emerging new evidence and specialist behaviour change skills.

Better conversation offers coaching support in the following areas:
• Health • Leadership and innovation • Careers and transition • Resilience and healing • Gender equality • Service development and evaluation

If you are interested in cutting edge coaching and holistic coach training for leaders, clinicians, groups and health coaches please get in touch.

Follow us on @betterconvo and @pennynewm

Visit www.haelancoaching.co.uk

The team

Penny Newman

Penny is one of few accredited, Executive, medical coaches with over a decade of coaching experience alongside a lifetime clinical, leadership and NHS career.

Prior to becoming a professional coach, Penny blended roles as GP, NHS Medical, Public Health and Organisational Development Director, Associate for national and global leadership development organisations and social entrepreneur. In the latter role she instigated national strategy around new primary care models, improved culture, health and wellbeing across three merging hospitals over the COVID pandemic, catalysed 50:50 gender equality goal on all hospital boards with UN Women, facilitated service redesign in multiple specialties, and pioneered the introduction of health coaching into the NHS.

As well as coach Penny is an author, researcher, key note speaker, facilitator and consultant. Her qualifications include MSc in Coaching and Development (Distinction, Prize), EMCC Global EIA Accreditation Senior Practitioner, MBBS, MSc Public Health, FPH and MRCGP (Merit). She was voted top 50 GP 2012 and is an NIA Alumna.

"Conversation doesn't just reshuffle the
cards. It creates new cards."

How talk can change our lives,
Theodore Zeldin

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